What a difference 2 days can make! If you were using Queensland Rail last weekend you may have noticed trains were not running between Bowen Hills and Northgate stations. Leisuretex Property Maintenance Contractors were onsite at Northgate and Nundah stations undertaking the repainting of all ticket offices, waiting shelters, balustrades, handrails, walls, line marking and the resurfacing of coping tiles; pretty much anything that had ever had paint on it previously was redone in JUST 2 DAYS!
Achieving the work done to the critical deadline was a credit to our boys (and girls) and their ‘Make it Happen’ attitude, working well into the night and early hours of Monday morning. A special thanks also to Walton Construction staff that helped direct and assist at times throughout the weekend. We look forward to working with you on the next one.
These projects are not new to Leisuretex Painting Contractors; we have performed shut downs and critical works successfully for more than 10 years either directly for Queensland Rail or through selected construction companies. If you have a painting project you need completed of a critical nature or on a tight schedule give Leisuretex Painting Contractors a call for a free no obligation quote.
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